Creative Piano Times
 August 2018 

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Greensleeves ChordsFLash thumbnail 135

Analysis Fun: Musical Illusion In Greensleeves: There’s fun to be had by student sleuths with musical intrigue, critical thinking, and Greensleeves’ hidden melodic “trickery.” Teaching suggestions, analysis, and some enjoyable links.

Student Online Performances 135

Student Motivation: An opportunity for students to share their performances in the forthcoming Student-Teacher Resource Library. 

TrendyChordInFlash thumbnail 135

Teen & Adult Beginners—Trendy Hit Songs From the Start: With harmony opening the doorway, “billboard toppers” can be an inspiring part of students’ study from the beginning, and a valuable reference point to build from. Tips on presenting musical favorites in beginning lessons. Especially for teachers new to group instruction.  


PaceTeacherTraining 135

Ongoing Professional Development: Sessions on teaching the Pace method— group teaching, lesson planning, conceptual learning, creative activities, business & policy, working with parents and much more.

Original Teachers’ Guide reprints, Dr. Robert Pace: 
In response to numerous requests, the original Level 1 Teachers’ Guide by Dr. Robert Pace has been reprinted and is now available in a limited quantity.

Although Dr. Pace revised the student books and they therefore do not always correspond fully with some pages of the Guide, his celebrated philosophy and his curriculum’s structural grounding are consistent in throughout both the original and revised versions. 

This legacy edition is filled with practical tips and pedagogic insights that make it an invaluable teachers’ resource.


Coming this Fall: 
Creative Keyboard featuring articles by and for teachers.
