Very Young Beginners

Music for Moppets - Child's Book

Child's Book
Music for MoppetsTM

A joyful introduction to music for very young beginners, Pre-K to Early Elementary. Creative learning activities tailored especially to this age group develop eye, ear, and finger coordination, a basic foundation for "musical thinking," and most importantly, eagerness for the excitement and fun of musical exploration.



Teacher's Manual: Music for Moppets

Teacher's Manual

Music For MoppetsTM

Organized in 16 units spanning 16 to 32 weeks, this manual provides invaluable suggestions for making lessons a happy musical and creative experience for each child.



Child's Book

Moppets Rhythms and RhymesTM

Moppets' Rhythms & Rhymes

Children's songs and games chosen for their "fun" value as well as for their excellent teaching qualities. This collection of original game-songs, set to the strongly rhythmical verses of well-beloved Mother Goose rhymes, strengthens young children’s innate sense of rhythm and understanding of melodic direction.



Teacher's Manual
Moppets Rhythms and RhymesTM

Teacher's Manual: Moppets' Rhythms & Rhymes

Step-by-step tips on teaching each new song or game. Offers many helpful suggestions for introducing musical concepts and terms to groups of young children of divergent capabilities.
