Dr. Robert Pace:
Versatile, Responsive
Finger Builders - Book 1
00372310…$6.95 $5.56—20% Off
Finger Builders 1 (Revised) by Robert Pace
Five-finger exercises and tetra-chord scales in all keys provide a solid foundation for “thumb-under” scales and extended hand positions in the levels that follow. Item 00372310...Usually ships in 24 hours

Finger Builders 2
by Robert Pace
Correlates with
and enhances the study of materials presented in MUSIC FOR PIANO. Includes “broken
chord” exercises as preparation for arpeggios, and scales and Hanon-style
exercises transposed to all keys.
00372316….Usually ships in 24 hours$6.95 $4.87—30% Discount
Finger Builders 3
by Robert Pace
Item 00372323….Usually ships in 24 hours$6.95 $4.87—30% Discount

Finger Builders 4
by Robert Pace
Item 00372334….Usually ships in 24 hours
$6.95 $4.87—30% Discount