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Lively Learning: Flashcards / Teaching Aids 
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Limit: Two of Each Item Per Order

Creative Teaching Resources:

Musical Games and Activities BookMusical Games & Activities
by Gloria Burnett Scott

Musical Games & Activities  00372363…$14.95 $11.9620% Off

Level: 1-5  /  Pages: 96
Size: 9” x 12” 

SAMPLE  Creative fun-filled activities—including flashcard games—that teach keyboard topography, lines and spaces, melodic contour, key signatures, tune-ups, chords, ear-training, and more! Includes suggestions for adapting activities for different levels and at-home practice. Great for both studio and classroom.

My Music and Me Manuscript & Assignment Diary

My Music and Me 00372302....$1.75

My Music and Me—Manuscript & Assignment Diary
by Helen Pace

Level: Primary  /  Pages: 40 
Two-sided Sheets   /   Size: 9” x 12”

SAMPLE   Double sided pages include check boxes, lines for parent signature, lesson time, teacher comments, performing and listening diary, staves for note practice, compositions, and dictation, and a keyboard for note practice, playing position reminders, etc. Use as a notebook  or as single sheets.

Basic Concepts & Symbols:

Musical Signs & Symbols Set 1

Musical Signs & Symbols - Set 1
00372380…….$6.95 $5.5620% Off

Musical Signs & Symbols - Set 1
by Helen Pace

Level: PreK/Early Elementary  /  Pages: 24 Cards
Size: 6” x 9”

SAMPLE    Animal-friends introduce young students to musical concepts and symbols essential to developing musical literacy and understanding.  Set 1 presents  basic concepts of  rhythm, register, pitch and intervals. 

Illustrations appear on one side of each card to help students visualize the concepts each symbol represents. Symbol notation, only, is provided on the reverse side, and students should be encouraged to work here as soon as possible. Eventually, Sets 1 and 2 of these cards should be merged to provide a rich source of melodic patterns, intervals and basic rhythms for students to apply as they proceed through lessons. 

Using these cards a few minutes in daily practice, plus short review games during each lesson, will help students develop a foundation for a lifetime of enjoyable musical participation. 

Musical Signs & Symbols - Set 2

Musical Signs & Symbols - Set 2….
$6.95 $5.56—20% Off 

Musical Signs & Symbols - Set 2
by Helen Pace

Level: PreK/Early Elementary  /  Pages: 24 Cards Size: 6” x 9”

SAMPLE   This second set of this two-set flashcard collection continues students’ experience with rhythm, register, pitch and interval concepts and symbol recognition. Animal-friends introduce musical concepts and symbols essential to developing musical literacy and understanding.  

Illustrations appear on one side of each card to help students visualize the concepts each symbol represents. Symbol notation, only, is provided on the reverse side, and students should be encouraged to work here as soon as possible. Eventually, Sets 1 and 2 of these cards should be merged to provide a rich source of melodic patterns, intervals and basic rhythms for students to apply as they proceed through lessons.

Using these cards a few minutes in daily practice, plus short review games during each lesson, will help students develop a foundation for a lifetime of enjoyable musical participation. 

Basic Rhythms for Reading & Creating Music

Basic Rhythms
00372414…….$5.95 $4.76—20% Off

Basic Rhythms for Reading & Creating Music
Level: Any Age Group, Any Instrument
Pages: 32 Cards, 64 Sides
Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   The 30 different rhythmic patterns presented on these cards in 3/4, 4/4, and 6/8 meter help students practice and develop sight-reading, rhythmic acuity  and improvisational skills. Rhythms are presented as graphics on one side of each card, and notated on the reverse side. Mix and combine these Basic Rhythms cards in limitless ways. Countless uses for fun creative learning activities. Excellent for any age group and instrument. Activity suggestions included. 

Melodic Shapes for Twins and Triplets

Melodic Shapes
00372415…….$7.95 $6.36—20% Off

Melodic Shapes for Twins and Triplets

Level: Any Age Group  /  Pages: 48 Cards
Size: 4” x 6”

SAMPLE   The 46 different basic melodic patterns presented on these cards help students develop the valuable musical skill of reading patterns by their “shape” or contour. Melody patterns appear as graphics on one side of cards, and notation on the reverse side. Limitless ways to mix, combine, create, play and learn with these cards. For all age groups. Activity suggestions included. 


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